Religious Education


Welcome to the RE page of our website – maintained by Mrs. Cooper (RE Lead)

RE at Parkdale follows the New Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus 2021 – 2026. 

The syllabus covers all areas of Religious Education, structuring the learning into 4 units per year group per year. 

Each Year group will study two or three main religions plus any that reflect the current cohort’s faiths.

Statement of Intent

Our intent at Parkdale is that every child should encounter a range of religions and worldviews and
they are given the opportunity to ask questions and reflect on their own feelings and experiences,
while developing their own appreciation and wonder at the world in which they live.

Our emphasis is on creating a tolerant understanding of individual faiths in our school, our community, our country and in our world.

RE Notices

Holi Festival of Colour

Holi Festival of Colour

Monday 25th March We would like children to come to school dressed in brightly coloured tops for our dance.  Any colour or Every colour! Children will still be wearing their normal PE bottoms or school bottoms.

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Easter Bonnet Parade

Easter Bonnet Parade

Welcome to our Annual Easter Bonnet Parade. Weather permitting we will parade around the playground showing off our home made bonnets. Thank you to Friends of Parkdale for providing the prizes and sweet treats for all the children that enter the parade.

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Harvest Festival 2023

Harvest Festival 2023

We are pleased to announce that we will be having our annual Harvest collection on Wednesday 18th October. We are again supporting Hope Nottingham with their food bank.  If your family are able, could you please bring in your harvest donations on Wednesday 18th...

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RE Gallery

RE Documents & Resources

Curriculum Information

Re Subject Review 2021-2022
RE Subject Review 2021
Long Term Planning Overview
Medium Term Planning
Legal Requirements
RE Subject on a page Review Sept 2023

Useful Links