Online Safety
Statement of Intent
The education of pupils in Online Safety, Digital Wellbeing and Digital Literacy is an essential part of our online safety provision. We prepare pupils with the skills to access lifelong learning, whilst developing their awareness to the potential risks. We aim to empower and educate pupils in their use of technology to equip them to be responsible digital citizens, who remain both safe and legal when using the Internet and related technologies, inside and beyond the context of the classroom.
Online Safety, Digital Wellbeing and Digital Literacy is covered across the curriculum and opportunities are maximised to address these areas of learning. To ensure thorough understanding of our pupils, we learn about these areas in discrete sessions at the beginning of each half term.
The schemes of work which we use to ensure progression of knowledge include: Google Internet Legends for Years 3,4,5 and 6. In Reception, Y1 and Y2, Purple Mash is used with a clear progression of objectives.
Digital Wellbeing
We understand the importance of developing pupils’ wellbeing around the use of technology. Our sessions on Digital Wellbeing are taken from two main schemes of learning. In Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, we use Google Digital Wellbeing and in Reception, Y1 and Y2, we use Purple Mash. These schemes of learning are effective in ensuring clear progression across our school to equip pupils knowledge and understanding around Digital Wellbeing. Key areas within these schemes of learning are also regularly revisited and information is retrieved to deepen understanding.
Online Safety Notices
World Book Day 2025
This year, World Book Day… or should we say “World Book Week” is going to be filled with so many exciting activities. From dressing up as superheroes, to swapping books, to making comics, conducting dramatic music, acting and even creating our very own veggie...
Google Internaut Legends
Online Safety Documents & Resources
Curriculum Information
Subject On A Page
Whole School Overview
Acceptable Use (Digital) Agreement
E-Safety Policy
Useful Links
Be Internet Legends
Online Safety Tips
Free Digital Fairytales Books
These books explore themes of internet bullying, managing screen time and being mindful of internet predators in fun and engaging stories.
Videos on being SMART online
National Online Safety
More Useful Links
Guide To Apps
Think You Know
There is a section on this site for Parents & Carers on Online Safety