Religious Education
Welcome to the RE page of our website – maintained by Mrs. Cooper (RE Lead)
RE at Parkdale follows the New Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus 2021 – 2026.
The syllabus covers all areas of Religious Education, structuring the learning into 4 units per year group per year.
Each Year group will study two or three main religions plus any that reflect the current cohort’s faiths.
Statement of Intent
Our intent at Parkdale is that every child should encounter a range of religions and worldviews and
they are given the opportunity to ask questions and reflect on their own feelings and experiences,
while developing their own appreciation and wonder at the world in which they live.
Our emphasis is on creating a tolerant understanding of individual faiths in our school, our community, our country and in our world.
RE Notices
World Book Day 2025
This year, World Book Day… or should we say “World Book Week” is going to be filled with so many exciting activities. From dressing up as superheroes, to swapping books, to making comics, conducting dramatic music, acting and even creating our very own veggie...
Year 3 RE Lesson
In RE, Year 3 have been learning about prayer this term. Thank you to Atif, who joined us for our RE lesson and taught us about Muslim prayer.
Happy Diwali
Some of our families will be celebrating Diwali over half-term. We would like to wish them all a very happy celebration. We will be learning a bit more about Diwali in school on the first week back, both from a Hindu and Sikh perspective. We'll be learning...