Admission Arrangements
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. Please note that we do not manage our own admissions to the main school. This is undertaken by Notts County Council School Admissions. If you require assistance with the procedure, please feel free to enquire to our Office Manager, Mrs Katherine Howe. Please note that we are unable to give updates on positions on waiting lists as this is not known to us.
We do manage admissions to our Nursery, for which details can be found below.
Telephone: 0300 500 8080
Minicom: 01623 433 352
The School Admissions Team
Meadow House
NG18 2TA
Contact points
Notts CC have a number of Customer Service Points around the county where you can talk to an advisor.
Determined Admissions Arrangements
2024-25 Admissions - Important Update
Transform Trust has varied the Admission Arrangements 2024/25, relying on the provision in paragraph 3.6 (School admissions code 2021 ( which provides that an admission authority can vary its arrangements to give effect to a determination of the adjudicator or to give effect to a mandatory requirement of the Code or a requirement of admissions law.