Year 6 – Beech & Cedar
We would like to warmly welcome you to Y6’s year group page!
We aim to provide you with an insight into what’s happening in Y6 and share with you a snapshot of our learning journey. This space will be used to showcase and importantly celebrate a variety of learning outcomes produced by the Y6 team. We are extremely proud of all of our Y6 pupils and we look forward to sharing their achievements with you. Scroll below to learn about the key areas of learning, knowledge and understanding which we will be covering in each term. Important information and regular updates can be found via our Class Notices section or the Documents tab.
We hope you enjoy exploring the content on our Y6 page!
Y6 Beech – Mrs James & Mrs Hayes
Y6 Cedar – Miss Blatherwick
Y6 Teaching Assistants – Mrs Henshaw

Class Notices
What’s Going On – A Creative Challenge For Year Six
Year Six have been set a creative challenge - a project they can keep coming back to for the remainder of their time with us. Mr H introduced them to what many would rate as the greatest recorded album of all time - What's Going On by Marvin Gaye, his environmental...
Friends of Parkdale are Keeping our Kids Safe!
We want to thank you all at home, for all of the times you have supported school by attending events that are run by or supported by our hardworking parents who support the school under the name of Friends of Parkdale. Friends of Parkdale (FOP) organise the discos,...
Year 6 Leaver’s Hoodies
Please see the attached letter for more information about ordering Y6 leaver's hoodies Hoodies February 25
Year 6 SATS Preparation – KIRFs
Please see the attached letter explaining the Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs) that Year 6 children brought home this week. KIRFS letter
Term by Term 2023-24
Autumn Topic Web 2024
Autumn Curriculum Letter
Spring Topic Web 2025
Spring Letter to Parents
Spring Homework Letter
Summer Term Topic Web 2024
Summer Term Letter to Parents 2024
Our Class Ambassadors

Our Reading Ambassadors

School Council & Parliament

Y6 Photo Gallery
Welcome to our photo gallery which shares with you a few snapshots of what’s been and is currently happening in Year 6!
Our Writing
Class Documents & Resources
Class Information
Our PE days are Wednesdays and Thursdays
Our School Rules
Listen to and follow instructions.
Be polite and care about other people.
Always keep hands and feet to yourself and work and play safely.
Look after the school and its environment.
- Look after your property and have respect for other people’s belongings.
Do not tease, bully or upset anyone.
Speak respectfully to others and do not swear.
Year 6 Homework
New homework introduction letter 04.09.23 (3)
There is the option of a paper copy for reading homework or it can be accessed via Showbie. Your child’s Showbie log in is available as a QR code in their Reading diary and the username and password are also featured there too.
Swimming Letter January 2024
Useful Links
Human Rights
We have recently watched and discussed this video in class.
Read Theory
Reading Comprehension Skills
Times Tables
TT Rockstars
Spelling Shed
Spelling Challenges
Y6 Reading List
Reading List
Meet The Author
In January, we’ll be starting our new class book by Piers Torday called The Dark Wild.