
Geography Statement of Intent

Our intent at Parkdale is that every child: develops an understanding of what Geography is as a discipline and an enthusiasm for it; develops Geographical knowledge and skills to help them understand the world; develops positive values around the environment and sustainability and understands have they can affect positive change.

Our Geography skills and knowledge are largely drawn from the 2014 National Curriculum and are mapped into our three termly themes. There is a strong emphasis on environment and sustainability as we believe that this is key for the future of our children and it is something we hope to inspire a passion for in them.

Geography Notices

Year 4 Trip to Nottingham Contemporary and Nottingham Castle

Year 4 Trip to Nottingham Contemporary and Nottingham Castle

Year 4 enjoyed a wonderful (and tiring) walk around Nottingham Centre embracing the culture of their local city. After a short trip on the number 43 bus, we walked through Hockley, looking at history of the local theatres and lace market. At the contemporary the...

Year 2’s trip to Cadbury World

Year 2 had a fabulous time at Cadbury World. We had a day exploring the Mayan Jungle, exploring the journey of cocoa beans to Europe, the history behind George Cadbury’s production of the Cadbury factory and his Bournville village and obviously the best part - how...

Year 3 Trip to Attenborough Nature Reserve

Year 3 are excited to be taking a trip out to Attenborough Nature Reserve on Thursday 27th June. Please see the attached letter with all the details.  Booking will be on Scholar Pack. Parent Letter ANR

Geography Gallery

Geography Documents & Resources

Curriculum Information

Geography Review 21-22 and Action plan 22-23
Skills & Knowledge Mapping - The Sustainable Development Theme
Geography On A Page
Subject Leader Timeline
Curriculum Statement
Sustainable Development Overview EY to KS2
New Unit For Spring 2022 on Climate Change

Useful Links

The Geographical Association
World Geography Games - Learn Countries, Capitals, Flags and more...