Relationships and PSHE
PSHE (Personal, social, health and economic education) is a non-statutory subject, but a necessary part of primary education. As such, it has always been high-priority at Parkdale; indeed, we have built much of our values-based curriculum around it.
Our intent at Parkdale is that every child: develops the skills, knowledge and values to help them create a happy and successful adult life; is enabled to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships; builds self-efficacy. We aim for every child to be able to make sound decisions and to know when, how and who to ask for support.
The Curriculum:
PSHE is non-statutory, although Relationships Education was made compulsory in new regulations in 2019. Pupils at Parkdale are taught:
- About families and ‘people who care for me’
- Caring Friendships
- Respectful Relationships
- Online Relationships
- Being Safe
The video below gives full detail of coverage for each year group.
In Year Six, Sex Education – covering how a baby is conceived and born – is offered with the parental right of withdrawal in situ.
All year groups also undertake an annual programme of e-safety awareness
In the school year 2020-21, extensive consultation was completed at school and Trust level, with parents, the wider religious community and other stakeholders, regarding delivery of the new RSHE content. The consultation documents and resources are available below on this page.
Relationships Notices
Pudsey says Thank You!
Thank you certificate with totals Thank you to everyone who came to school in non-uniform for BBC Children in Need day on 15th November. Thank you to the Wellbeing Warriors who baked biscuits and all those that bought biscuits at the end of the day. We raised £625.74...
Cool To Be Kind
We are having a real focus on kindness this term. This is a core Transform Trust value and one that children here are noted for far and wide. It's one of the first things visitors, including important official ones, tend to notice about Parkdale children. It's not...
Relationships Documents & Resources
Curriculum Information
Deeper Subject Review 2021-22, plus Action Plan 2022-23
PSHCE and Relationships On A Page
Transform Trust RSHE Charter
2020-21 Parental Consultation Presentation
RSHE Consultation Outcomes
Assembly and PSHE Follow Up Spring 2022
Assmbly and PSHE Follow-Up Content Autumn 2021
Making Links; School, Trust and British Values
Projects & Homework
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Useful Links
SCARF Scheme of Work
The PSHE Association
The PSHE Association Homepage
DfE Statutory Guidance
DfE Statutory Guidance