We are having a real focus on kindness this term. This is a core Transform Trust value and one that children here are noted for far and wide. It’s one of the first things visitors, including important official ones, tend to notice about Parkdale children.
It’s not perfect though; we live in the real world. Children are learning how to manage their relationships and sometimes make choices we’d rather they didn’t – this can sometime include choices that might seem unkind or uncaring to others. It’s part of growing up and figuring things out; as is learning to deal with it when others might not be as kind to you as you might wish. It’s a valuable life lesson!
Kindness is our main focus in our collective worship at the moment. We are looking at if from a religious point of view and also a secular one, looking for common themes of which there are many. For example, both the Bible and the Qu’ran make it abundantly clear that kindness is important. One example here is that we are looking at the story of the Good Samaritan.
We’re also learning about fables and how these help teach us life lessons, kindness included of course. All classes have been set the challenge to learn a bit about Aesop and to present one of his fables to the rest of the school – a chance for a bit of acting, perhaps!