Art and Design


Statement of Intent

Our intent at Parkdale is that every child embraces their inner artist, to value the impact of art within our lives and to stimulate curiousity, creativity and imagination. Our Art and Design curriculum provides children of all abilities with opportunities to communicate what they see, feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern, different materials and processes.



The Artsmark Award is a creative quality standard for schools accredited by the Arts Coucil England and we are so excited to be starting our journey towards achieving the Artsmark Award.  Our main goal is to develop and celebrate our commitment to arts and cultural education for all at Parkdale.  The Artsmark will help to:

  • Build young people’s confidence, character and resilience through arts and cultural education
  • Embed creativity across the whole curriculum
  • Celebrate our commitment to cultural education with pupils, staff and our local community

Art Notices

The Jungle Book

The Jungle Book

Years 1 - 4 had an exiting treat this afternoon! They had a wonderful time watching a production of The Jungle Book. A huge thanks to M&M Theatrical Productions Ltd to offering us this amazing opportunity.

Parkdale Art Exhibition

During Open Evening on Monday 22nd July, a range of sculptures from each year group will be proudly displayed in the school hall for families to view between 3:45pm - 5.30pm.   The exhibition will showcase some wonderful sculptures, which were created during last...

French Day in Year 1

French Day in Year 1

We had lots of fun in Year 1 on French Day las week.  We learnt out colours in French, learnt all about Bastille Day celebrations, and were inspired by Henri Matisse ‘Painting with Scissors’ art.

Year 1 Lakeside Arts Trip

Year 1 had a fantastic visit to Lakeside Arts on 11th July. We had an inspiring arts session, collecting natural materials and creating beautiful watercolour patterns. We also had an active and fun drama session where we re-enacted the traditional tale of The Enormous...

Art Week in Year 2

So far in art week, Year 2 have been busy pressing shells into clay to make detailed impressions. The children will be placing their clay circle onto wool wrapped branches to create a hanging sculpture.The school was challenged with the task of making a...

Art and Design Gallery

Art Documents & Resources

Curriculum Information

Art and Design on a Page
Art and Design Subject Review



Medium Term Planning
Art and Design Progression of Knowledge

Projects & Homework

STEAM Week March 2021

Whole School Art Project - The Natural World June 2021


Useful Links

Free Stock Photos & Videos

Pexels – free to use images and videos

Whole School Art Project 2020