Welcome to this week’s bulletin and round-up
A busy day in the Office today, trying to get our 2024-25 budget started with our finance team. It’s a whirl of numbers and spreadsheets and trying to manage with a budget that is not increasing in line with inflation or the needs of children. So straight into the bulletin with no long preamble…
Crossing Patrol
Sadly, our lovely crossing patrol John will not be able to continue after Easter. It is possible there will not be a replacement appointed by then. We will keep you updated…
ECO News Issue 6 – here is the latest from our very busy Eco Team
Diary and Reminders
A reminder that next Friday is a Bank Holiday – the last day of term is Thursday the 28th
We will announce this term’s leading house on the house points competition on Wednesday and that house will have a non uniform day on the Thursday.- look out for a text if your child’s house are the leaders!
Monday 25th – Holi Festival event – see above
Tuesday 26th – Y6 parents’ Evening
Tuesday 26th – Reception Garden party – see above
Wednesday 27th – Easter Bonnet Parade
Thursday 28th – last day of term. Non-uniform for the leading house.