We have been having a look at how the Key Stage Two children make use of our MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) during playtimes. Many of them really, really just want to play football and/or basketball. Neither of these have previously been routinely allowed as the games have always become too much of a free-for-all with a tendency to become overly physical. This isn’t the children misbehaving, more that many do not really understand the actual rules and do not have the necessary techniques and skills to play safely and effectively. However, we want to encourage being active and these are two important sports, so…
We are going to trial supervised (refereed) football and basketball at breaks. Children who want to play will be put into teams. Basic rules of the games will be enforced, most notably that basketball is a totally non-contact sport and football is not far off. Children will be coached in how to tackle fairly and with good technique in both. Supervising staff will have red cards to send off players who persistently break the rules. The football used will be a smaller (size 3) ball slightly deflated to slow the game down a bit and lessen the impact of being hit with it.
We hope children will enjoy this and respond positively.