Welcome to the weekly bulletin

Here we are on the last day of term, what seems like a very early finish for Christmas. We’ve been asked by many just why we’re breaking up so early and the simple answer is that we have just (as always) followed the holidays set by Carlton le Willows, which continues to be the secondary school our community has most links to. We’re not involved in the decision making and just follow. Whether that will always be the case is up for debate, but it continues to feel like the sensible option for now.

Anyway… we’ve made it to the end of term. Thanks to all for their support and kindness and wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a happy, safe, peaceful holiday.

School re-opens on Thursday the 4th of January

Many, many thanks to those who braved the cold (and the damp chairs!) to attend yesterday’s Christmas Concert. We hope you enjoyed it and that it brought some Christmassy joy. Thanks also for the lovely, positive feedback. We’d been at a bit of a loss as to how to put on an accessible, manageable event this year and this was a bit of an experiment. We’ll look to do something similar next year, perhaps with the addition of a back-up day in case of really bad weather! The latest on our Save the Children Gaza Appeal is that we’re now heading towards £2,000.

Transform Trust Statement on Israel-Hamas Conflict

A Message From Save the Children

Enrichment at Parkdale

Library Launch

Winter/ Christmas Reading Challenge


This Term’s Winning House

Defunct Phone Line

PE Tournament results!!

Changes to House Points

What a Wonderful Trip!