Spring Term

Spring Term

This term the theme for Reception is “Learning to Love the World”. In Spring term, we explore sustainability, the impact we have on the world, and investigate the opportunities that we, as a community, have to protect and care for the world around us. In Reception we...
Y6 PE Kit

Y6 PE Kit

A letter here for parents/carers of Y6 and the children themselves, suggesting bringing a change of clothes on Thursdays when it looks likely to be wet! Y6 Thursday PE change of kit letter

Year 4 Autumn Term Reading Book

During the autumn term, we will be reading together the book ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’ by Andy Shepherd. If your child would like to have their own copy of the text to follow along with, there is a link below: This is not...
Reception Autumn Term

Reception Autumn Term

Autumn Term This term we will be thinking about “The World and My Place in it”. We will explore our identity and what it means to be 4/5 in 2023, asking ourselves  “what makes me special, and what is special to me?” As we discuss our favourite things and the things...