Year Six have been set a creative challenge – a project they can keep coming back to for the remainder of their time with us. Mr H introduced them to what many would rate as the greatest recorded album of all time – What’s Going On by Marvin Gaye,...
As we’ve been using our Values Champion certificate for a while now, we thought it would be lovely for our children to be the creators of a new certificate design for their year group, making it that little bit more personal over the coming years. Each class has...
Last week, Year 2 were challenged with the activity of taking as many photos as they could to capture different textures and colours in the outside environment. Once inside, the children needed to place different shapes on Keynote to build a picture. The children then...
We had a very wet trip to Parkdale Pines this week. We still had lots of fun playing hide and seek – the children are becoming very creative with their hiding places! Our main activity was to forage different natural objects from the environment to build an...
That’s Very Important Pupils! Naturally, all of our children are important, but some have particularly important roles around school. We try to encourage children to have their say, to be leaders and to take responsibility for helping us to run Parkdale. These...
Users of Twitter/X may notice some of our accounts there closing down (some already have) over the next few weeks. We will be keeping our main information sharing account, @parkdalecarlton, operational, but some members of staff have chosen to delete their...
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