World Book Day Parent ‘Drop In’ Sessions

World Book Day Parent ‘Drop In’ Sessions

Please find a list below, sharing dates and times for each Year group’s drop in sessions for reading. Teacher’s will be sharing where to wait/go for each session, closer to the time. Monday 3rd March Year 1 at 2:30 – 3:30 Tuesday 4th March Year 2 at...

Year 2 Reading Mornings

From Thursday 7th November and EVERY THURSDAY morning following, Year 2 would like to invite you into the classrooms before school starts to share reading with your child. If you are able to join us, please line up with your child outside the external doors of Year 2...
Year 4 October Reading Winners!

Year 4 October Reading Winners!

This month Mr Patterson choose at random a ticket from each class. This month Zakariya and Elli won. They chose for Mrs Stafford to crochet them a ghost and pug!. They are both so excited with their prizes. Next winners will be end of November! Let’s keep...
Sonnet writing

Sonnet writing

In Year 6 we have been looking at Shakespeare’s sonnets. The children then enjoyed writing their own sonnets based on a theme of their choice.