This term the theme for Reception is “Learning to Love the World”. In Spring term, we explore sustainability, the impact we have on the world, and investigate the opportunities that we, as a community, have to protect and care for the world around us. In Reception we begin this journey by exploring the world around us, enjoying the wonders of nature and developing our sense of curiosity and passion for animals and plants. We hope to
begin taking some regular trips to Gedling Country Park in February. We will be sharing our learning with you during a Good Work Assembly in February. In the second half term we will find out about extinction (yes, it’s dinosaur time) and endangered animals. We will be
undertaking a project to make habitats for endangered animals and supporting reusing and recycling by taking a walk, and making donations, to a local charity shop.
We like to enhance this learning with fun animal facts, and welcome children sharing their own and we watch documentaries (available online via Netflix, YouTube or BBC iPlayer) and Nat Geo Kids clips. If you are able to support your child to access to these as home, we hope that you will
enjoy sharing their learning with them. We have found a special book called “It’s Up to Us: A Children’s Terra Carta” that we will be using all half term. If you are looking for a book to share, you might want to look for this lovely illustrated book.