Year 4 Times Table Test

Year 4 Times Table Test

Year 4 have been working hard all year on their times tables ready for the official Times Table test that all Year 4 children will be completing this month. We will be doing the test, week commencing 20th June. Please make sure your child is practising every night....

Maths Retrieval in Y6 using Kahoot

We love a game of @Kahoot to retrieve our Maths knowledge! A bit of healthy competition to reach the podium and improve our points! 📱 🎖 @parkdalecarlton @TransformTrust #ParkdaleRetrievalPractice #ParkdaleDigitalJourney — Y6 Parkdale...

Y6 Retrieval Practice

We’ve been exploring a range of retrieval strategies in Y6. This week, we’ve been doing lots of interleaving of different topics of learning in Maths & SPAG, spaced retrieval and peer quizzing! We’re enjoying using quiz cards independently and then finding it...
Year 1 – Maths – Bingo

Year 1 – Maths – Bingo

We get asked frequently by families how we teach number recognition in year one. The answer – in fun, motivating and competitive games! Here we are playing bingo; all fully focused and engaged in an exciting session where we break down each number into tens and...
Year 1 Maths -Counting in 5s

Year 1 Maths -Counting in 5s

We have been introducing multiplication in year 1. This week we’ve been counting in 5s practically using everyday resources. The children loved counting with 5ps, £5 notes, filling in the missing numbers and creating their very own 5 times table number lines....