Welcome to this week’s bulletin and news round-up

As the Spring term gets into gear, you might want to know what your child is going to be leanring about; all year groups have guides to their topics and homework reminders etc up on their own pages.  Just look for ‘Term By Term 2023-24’ and it’s all under that header.

One week ino the new system for allocating house points and all seems to be going well. At the time of writing (Friday morning), 170 children have already been awarded at least one house point. The top five children all have 5 points, though for  all of them three of these come from having won a Head Teacher’s Award.

School Rules

A New PE Provider

Y6 Chess

Apprenticeship Job Fair

Non-Attendance at Clubs

Year 1 and 2 Disco!

VR Workshop



There are no dates to remind you of for next week. The only item in the diary is that Years 3 and 4 have Dance Workshops next Friday as part of the school day.