Year 2 Conker Battle

Year 2 Conker Battle

Now the time of year has come round for conkers, we would like to have a Year 2 conker battle as part of our ’50 things before you leave Parkdale’. Over the next two weeks, please get out and about in the best conker picking spots and lace up ready for our...
Year 2 PE days

Year 2 PE days

Due to time table clashes our PE days have changed. They will be on a TUESDAY and a WEDNESDAY, starting from next week – 19/09/22. We apologise for any inconvenience the confusion has caused over the last few days. The Year 2 Team.
Year 3 Sponsored Walk

Year 3 Sponsored Walk

Year 3 completed a sponsored walk as part of their campaign for our Peace and Conflict unit.The children had spent time learning about the HUGE chairty, which stands for Helping UGanda Educate. This has been set up to make a difference to children in Uganda. It...