Year 2 – Sycamore & Willow

Welcome to Y2’s year group page! 

We are very excited to communicate with you the journey that your child is taking throughout 2022 – 2023. We aim to pass on relevant and up to date information, celebrate successes and share the learning that we are doing together in Year 2.

As the children continue their learning journey through Year 2, the children will have the opportunity to build on their newly developed digital skills with their own individual iPad but also enjoy opportunities to be active in their learning; whether that be answering a question, doing some mindfulness breathing exercises, getting outside to complete their learning or simply dashing around a virtual world in a daily brain break! 

We hope you enjoy exploring the content of our Year 2 pages and find everything that you are looking for to support your child’s learning journey in Year 2.


2 Sycamore – Mrs. Troop

2 Willow – Mrs. Garrett  and Mrs. Mason

Mrs. Selby will be teaching 2 Willow Monday mornings and 2 Sycamore Monday afternoons. 

Year 2 TAs – Miss. Brooks


Class Notices

World Book Day Parent ‘Drop In’ Sessions

World Book Day Parent ‘Drop In’ Sessions

Please find a list below, sharing dates and times for each Year group's drop in sessions for reading. Teacher's will be sharing where to wait/go for each session, closer to the time. Monday 3rd March Year 1 at 2:30 - 3:30 Tuesday 4th March Year 2 at 8:25 - 9:15 Year 3...

Coffee Morning Reminder

Coffee Morning Reminder

A reminder that all are invited to the weekly coffee mornings,8:50-10am. This is a chance to have a cuppa, a bite to eat and a  chat with other parents, carers and (usually) a member of staff or two. This week (Weds 29th Jan) has a Chinese theme to celebrate new...

Our Calendar

Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

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Term By Term 2023-24

Autum Topic Web 2024
Parents Letter Autumn 2024
Year 2 Newstead Trip 2024
Reception and KS1 Conkers Trip 2024

Y2 Photo Gallery

Welcome to Year 2 photo gallery – just a few snapshots of life in Year 2…

Class Documents & Resources

Information for Parents
Homework - Maths

Maths Homework is set on a Friday. 

Any incomplete homework will remain on My Maths until completed. 

Homework - Reading

We would like you to listen to your child read for 10 mins at least 5 times a week.

Please record each reading in your child’s reading diary. 

We aim to change their book regularly.  There is value in re-reading a book to gain deeper comprehension, fluency and enjoyment. 

You can also record books from your own bookshelf that your child reads to you.

Homework - Spellings

Spelling Test is on a Thursday . 

The new list is given out on a Thursday and practice sessions are set up on Spelling Shed which go live on the same day.

PE Days

Year 2 have PE lessons on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. 

Your child will need to come to school dressed in weather appropriate PE kit on these days.

Remember to remove earrings and tie up long hair before they come to school.

Thank you

Year 2 Club with Mrs Troop