KS1 Sports Day

KS1 Sports Day

Year 1 and 2 had a super Sports Day this morning. It was so wonderful to see all of the children cheering each other on and showing fantastic sportsmanship! Congratulations to the winning house, Rufford! Thank you to all attending supporting adults, we hope you...

KS1 Sports Day

As I am sure you are already aware, our Key Stage One Sports Day (for Years 1 and 2) will take place on Thursday 14th July at 9.00am. Please ensure that your children wear their PE kits on this day and that their t-shirt is of their house’s colour. Children will also...

Year 2 Good Work Assembly

On Thursday 30th June, Year 2 will be celebrating their wonderful work in our annual Good Work Assembly, please come and join us. It will begin at 2:15, please enter school via the ‘snow door’, where you will be asked to sign in. The assembly will last for...