Wellbeing & Mindfulness


Welcome to our Welbeing and Mindfulness page, maintained by the Wellbeing Lead, Mrs Troop.

Our teaching and learning of mental health and emotional wellbeing as part of a comprehensive PSHE education curriculum is vital. It promotes pupils’ wellbeing through an understanding of their own and others’ emotions and the development of healthy coping strategies. 

All children have the confidence to approach any adult in school if they are worried about their own or someone else’s wellbeing.

At Parkdale we try to offer signposting to services and support for our wider community. Through social media and this website, we will highlight local offers and resources, for example the Nottingham and Nottinghamshire NHS Mental Health pathway below

Wellbeing & Mindfulness Notices

Y6 SATs Breakfast Cafe

Y6 SATs Breakfast Cafe

We're pleased to share with you that we'll be providing a breakfast café for Y6 pupils on the week of SATs, Monday 13th May - Thursday 16th May. Last year, the pupils found the morning social and snacks enjoyable. It was very informal - a great opportunity for the...

Holi Festival of Colour

Holi Festival of Colour

KS1 Holi Dance KS2 Holi Dance The whole school learnt a traditional Holi dance for the festival of colour.  The weather wasn’t kind and we had to do our dance in the hall in two groups instead of on the playground, but as you can see the children had a wonderful time....

Easter Bonnet Parade 2024

Easter Bonnet Parade 2024

We were so lucky with the weather to hold our annual Easter Bonnet Parade on the playground again this year for all the parents to see the wonderful creations. There was a winning entry chosen in each class (and you can hear the anguish from every teacher saying help,...

Our Whole School Book Project

Throughout this term, every class will be exploring this wonderful book. The discussions and activities based within this book will give all children the opportunity to explore what bravery, kindness, growth, resilience, teamwork and mindfulness is. This will be delivered through six individual prints drawn from the book. Be sure to check out our outcomes in the gallery below.

The book is filled with detailed prints which portray deep and meaningful views – perfect for any growing mind trying to understand their place within the world. 

See a copy of the choice boards linked to the book below. 

Our Whole School Book Project


Throughout the Autumn Term, all classes will be exploring this wonderful book. The activities based within this book will give all children the opportunity to explore and understand anxiety and learn strategies to help deal with it effectively in every day lives. 

Whilst working through this journal, children have explored ways to tackle anxieties when things overwhelm us. Recently, year 3, spent time designing 

Reflective Journal Activities

Here’s an example of some of the activities we have completed so far … 

Wellbeing Book Project Activity Two

Wellbeing Book Project Activity Three

Wellbeing Book Project Activity Four

Anxiety Choice Board

If your child is finding being back at school too over whelming and is struggling to leave your side, check out the choice board below for more information, links, helpful books, apps and coping strategies you can explore together. 


Breathing Exercise 

Why not try these breathing exercises at home…

Mindfulness Techniques

One of our Y6 pupils is creating mindfulness videos for us to learn breathing exercises and strategies we can use both in and outside of school. We are so proud of their enthusiasm and commitment to this. 

Wellbeing & Mindfulness Documents & Resources

Curriculum Information

Wellbeing on a Page
Wellbeing Manual
Our Themed Choice Boards

We have took the time to make connections from our themed units and created dicussions and activities that link well to our daily wellbeing and mindfulness sessions 


Sustainable Development



Our Daily Check In

Throught the school, we provide various different ways for the children to express their emotions and thoughts on a daily basis. Here is an example the children are familiar with, why not use this template from home too. 

Daily Check In