Sustrans is a UK-based walking, wheeling and cycling charity, which is responsible for the National Cycle Network. The Sustrans team work with schools to encourage active daily commutes on the school-run. This year is the 15th year of the Sustrans Walk and Wheel to school campaign.

We are one of over 2000 schools taking part in the Sustrans challenge this year.  Each day between 11th and 22nd March, schools compete, logging journeys to see who can get the highest percentage of the pupils walking, using a wheelchair, scooting or cycling to school.

Teachers, supported by ECO councillors will log active journeys on the Sustrans website. Walking, wheeling (using scooter, bicycle or wheelchair) journeys will count. We understand that some parents drop children off at school as part of an onward journey, so we ask that you ‘Park and Stride’. We will be popping QR codes on the main routes to school. If you walk past one on your journey to school, then you can count your journey as a ‘Park and Stride’.

Each day the QR codes will reveal a special message for children at the school. So, make sure to have your phone ready as you walk along.

This week we had 20 scooters stored at school every day; it would be fantastic if we could double the number of scooter journeys over the Sustrans fortnight.

Less car journeys near school means less air pollution, which is great news for everyone.

Let’s get active. Children who actively travel to school arrive fresh and ready to learn.

It’s healthy for us all and it is great for the planet.