Reception – 2021-2022: A Year of Learning

June; cycling and playing outdoors!

May; blossom, sunshine and learning outdoors

April; spring sunshine, Easter Bonnets and a family garden party. 

The Great Outdoors : Our Gardening Week! 

Preparing for Spring and Summer is such a special time, especially at the end of our term thinking about nature, the environment and our own impact on the world around us. In Reception we are keen to make our garden an inviting place for bugs and bees, a place to learn about growing food and flowers, and a place to develop our independence and skills. Our Gardening week is when we prepare our flower and vegetable patches, and give our play area a deep ‘spring clean’. 

March : a time for Spring, World Book Day and Holi Festival.

February: habitats, dinosaurs, new environments and COP26

Our first trip to Gedling Country Park

We had a brilliant visit to the Country Park, learning about how the former Colliery has become a haven for nature. We even planted bluebells and saw where a new bee colony is going to live. 

January; winter walks, our new hut, sorting species
and investigating nature. 



December; festive fun, glitter and stories galore!



November; lights, fireworks, safety and the smells of changing seasons.



October; autumn walks, taste-testing and celebrating our identities 


September; settling in, learning and exploring