Ramadan Mubarak to our staff and families

Ramadan is an important time for many of the families in our community. We thought it might be of interest to non-Muslim families to share this piece from colleagues at Transform Trust HQ; an insight into the significance of Ramadan and what it involves for Muslims:

Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the five pillars of the faith and a key observance for most healthy adult Muslims and those maturing towards adulthood. The Arabic word sawm means ‘to abstain’, and during Ramadan most Muslims are expected to abstain completely from both food and liquid—including water— from dawn until sunset. Muslims observing the fast, expect to carry on with their daily life and embrace the strictures of fasting as a way of learning how to cope with the challenges of daily life whilst growing in spirituality. Muslims believe that fasting has many benefits. For example: it strengthens self discipline; it creates sympathy for the poor and the destitute; it reminds them that they belong to a larger Muslim community.

It is the practice for Muslims to rise before dawn and to share a light meal (suhur) with the family. Having stated the intention to do so, fasting then takes place during daylight hours. Just before the end of the fast at dusk, people will return home in order to share an evening meal (iftar), to which family and friends are often invited. Some Muslims gather at the mosque and, immediately at the end of the fasting day, share a light snack (sometimes including dates and water) as did the Prophet Muhammad with his companions over 1400 years ago.