After months of hard work, our Library is nearly ready for re-launching. The staff, led by Miss Miller, have put an enormous amount of time and effort into the development. The newly styled Library has lovely furniture, is beautifully decorated and, most importantly, has a huge amount of fantastic new books in stock.

The re-launch and official re-opening will be in Monday’s assembly. After that, look out for details of how families can access the Library – we aim for it to become a community resource, not just something we use in school time. The Library is now located in a spot more accessible to families at drop off/end of the day, facing onto the playground from alongside the gate. Couldn’t be handier! There’ll be no cards or tickets, just a reliance on good old trust, honesty and fairness! Borrow a book, take it away, bring it back. We’re also hoping to have a section of books for grown ups to borrow – a sort of book exchange/recycling for which we’ll no doubt be asking for donations of your ‘finished with’ books.