As we start the new academic year, a small group of year groups will be recording their daily reads at home through a new digital platform. This amazing platform will allow the parents of children in Reception, Year 2 and Year 5 to record their weekly read at home journey through pictures and voice recordings! (All other year groups will continue with paper reading diaries)

Not only will this platform bring more independence and responsibility towards the older children, but it will give the younger children a fun way to interact with their teacher/s. ‘We Read’ will help support Parkdale’s passion for digital literacy but also help us improve our carbon footprint and reduce the amount of paper diaries we consume in a year.

How does this work?

The parents of children in Reception, Year 2 and Year 5 will receive a text and/or email containing a link. This will take you to the Learning with Parents’ digital reading log. You do not need passwords or logins!

Simply fill out the weekly log as you progress through the week, clicking on the appropriate day. Under each day, you can leave comments, photos and voice recordings.

The adults from each class will then, in return, use this platform to share any reading that has taken place in the school day too. Keeping a strong working relationship, just like it would be in a paper format.

We are VERY excited to see how this works and we will review it around Christmas time to see how effective it has been. Your input will be greatly received.

If you have any questions or need any help, please contact me on my email –

Mrs. Troop

Please see the additional posters below for further guidance and website information.