This week, we are re-launching our Anti-Bullying Charter, an outline of our committment to an environment free of bullying.

The charter has been in place for several years and has been the basis of our work to develop a better understanding of bullying and how to eradicate it. It has been a successful approach and the ethos and processes we commit to have helped create a school in which bullying is very, very rare. Of course, it can and does happen and any incidence is too much – we are aiming for zero, of course.

The charter is used to help us all understand what bullying is (and isn’t), how it should be reported and how we will deal with concerns.

We re-launched in whole-school Assembly today and all classes will follow-up in their Relationships lessons.

A copy of the charter and our full policy are linked below, along with a more detailed presentation, featuring voice-overs from our Wellbeing Warrior children.

Parkdale Anti Bullying Charter v2

Parkdale Anti – Bullying Policy