Welcome to bulletin #5

Here we are again with another round-up of the week’s news and information. You’ll find diary reminders at the bottom, the most notable of which is a reminder of this Friday’s INSET Day.



4 Poplar Litter Picking


Reception’s First Trip to Parkdale Pines!

The weather maybe wasn’t quite as bad as forecast, but we still enjoyed seeing so many wellies and pairs of slippers sin school on Monday!

A Wet Monday

Welcome to Year 3 – Parents’ Meeting and Weekly Time Table

Year 5 and Year 6 Disco

Anti Racism Rally

Football Focus

Kick-boxing taster

European Languages Day in 2 Willow

Young Voices Choir Club

Player of the Match

Judo competitor!



Wednesday 2nd October 4pm – Meeting of the Full Governing Body (Governors only)

Friday 4th October – INSET Day