Welcome to the last bulletin of the 2023-24 school year…

We’ve made it! We’re here, safe and sound on the last day of an incredibly busy year. This last term in particular has been a long one. Fun, but long! Looking back, there have been so many things to celebrate and so many new initiatives to add to our provision. Rest assured, we’ll not be resting on our laurels and will be planning to do even more next year.

You and your children are fantastic and we all appreciate working in such a wonderful community. Not every school is like Parkdale and not every community is like the one around us.

On behalf of all the team, wishing you a happy, healthy, safe Summer. We look forward to seeing everyone again in September.

Thank You Mr Sills

Enrichment Clubs 2024-2025

Splash-tacular Fun!

Autumn Term Dance Affinity After School Club – Discount Code

Summer Reading

Digital Leads Present!

Survey Outcomes 2024

Children’s Survey Outcomes



Today (Friday 26th July) is the last day of the school year!

Monday the 2nd of September is a compulsory Admin Day – staff are in but school remains closed to pupils

Tuesday the 3rd of September is an INSET Day – staff are in for training, but school remains closed to pupils.

School re-opens to pupils on Wednesday the 4th of September – the first two days are very important for settling into new classes, getting to know the new teacher and their expectations, establishing new routines etc  and we do need all children to be present.