Welcome to this week’s bulletin and news round-up…

It’s been a particularly busy week in school. Year One have been doing their statutory Phonics Screening tests and that’s all finished now. More fun, Year Two have been on their trip to Cadbury World, Year Four have been to the Nottingham Tennis Open and Nursery have had some special visitors from the Police (the actual Police, not the band!). We’ve also hosted the Transform Trust Year Two Sports Festival and watched on as our new Forest School takes shape with its new gateway and fencing. We’ve launched a new ‘active schools’ initiative and started to celebrate the football Euros. We’ve also had classes continuing or finishing off projects and charitable work as part of Community Action Week. Phew…

The winner is…

The development begins!

Summer Fair 28th June 2024

Summer Fair 2024 Donations

Getting (More) Active

Calling Girl Footballers in Y1 and Y2

Kwik Cricket Tournament

Euro 2024 – A Bit Of Fun!

Next weeks’ Euro non-uniform days:

Note, we’ve changed the ‘rules’ slightly over weekends and England matches from the original post to ensure a fairer spread of non-uniform days – every class/group gets at least one next week – a couple of classes strike lucky with two!)

Monday: Romania, Ukraine, Belgium, Slovakia, Austria, France (2 Willow, 5 Maple, 6 Cedar, Mr Chell, 3 Elm, 1 Chestnut)

Tuesday: Turkey, Georgia, Portugal, Czechia (5 Oak, 2 Sycamore, 4 Ash, Kitchen Staff)

Wednesday: Croatia, Albania, Germany, Hungary, Scotland, Switzerland (Nursery, Middays, 3 Rowan, Pastoral Team, Senior Leadership, R Holly),

Thursday: Slovenia, Denmark England, Spain, Italy (Office, 4 Poplar, 1 Palm, R Bay)

Friday: Slovakia, Ukraine, Poland, Austria, Netherlands, France (Mr Chell, 5 Maple, Hive Staff, 3 Elm, 6 Beech, 1 Chestnut)

Radio Stars

The next two posts are from Nursery…

Lakeside Arts The Three Little Pigs

Medical Visits

Diary Dates

Thursday 20th – Our Choir are performing at the Albert Hall (Nottingham version, not London!)

Friday 21st – Year 4 Theatre Trip

Tuesday 25th – Y4 Good Work Assembly

Wednesday 26th – Inter-House Cricket Festival – see feature above

Friday 28th – Y2 Good Work Assembly