The Euro 2024 football tournament begins this Friday and we thought it might be fun to mark it in some way.

Each class has been allocated (by a random draw) a country to support in addition to England. There will be some teaching and learning and fun activities around each country for that class while the tournament goes on. Classes will be decorated accordingly.

On the day that a class’s country is playing, they can wear non-uniform. It would add to the fun if this somehow related to their country’s team colours or flag, but that’s not something we’re going to stress about. It can be just generic non uniform if that suits you and your child better.

Some matches are at weekends, so we’ve decided that the preceding Friday will be the day of support for those countries. As it happens, England play this Sunday, so this Friday (14th) is non uniform for everyone! Children (and adults in the school, as we are all involved) can choose England-related colours, their ‘other’ country or just whatever non uniform they fancy.

No one is forced to join in – the non uniform options are just that; options. We’re certainly not expecting anyone to be spending money on colours, kits or anything else!

The full fixtures are available here:

The weekend fixtures are here:

Friday June 14
Germany vs Scotland

Saturday June 15
Hungary vs Switzerland
Spain vs Croatia
Italy vs Albania

Sunday June 16
Poland vs Netherlands
Slovenia vs Denmark
Serbia vs England

Monday sees the following fixtures, so there will be non-uniform for children in the relevant classes:

Romania vs Ukraine
Belgium vs Slovakia
Austria vs France

Thereafter, teachers will issue reminders the day before and we’ll back this up with a daily text, one day ahead.

The countries are allocated as follows:

Nursery: Croatia

R Bay; Italy

R Holly: Switzerland

1 Chestnut: France

1 Palm: Spain

2 Sycamore: Georgia

2 Willow: Romania

3 Elm: Austria

3 Rowan: Germany

4 Ash: Portugal

4 Poplar: Denmark

5 Maple: Ukraine

5 Oak: Turkey

6 Beech: Netherlands

6 Cedar: Belgium

The Office: Slovenia

Hive Staff: Poland

Kitchen Staff: Czech Republic

Pastoral Team: Hungary

Senior Leadership Team: Scotland

Mr Chell: Slovakia

Middays and Playworkers: Albania