Following an inspiring workshop with Matilda Crane, a climate ambassador, Year 5 have launched an exciting initiative to make Parkdale a more eco-friendly school. Each year group has been set a unique challenge to help protect the environment and encourage nature in our school grounds.

The challenges are:

  • Reception: Refurbish the bark area in Forest School
  • Year 1: Replenish and maintain the herb planters
  • Year 2:  Project Pond
  • Year 3: Build and set up wildlife feeders
  • Year 4: Reset the Year group planters
  • Year 5: Lead the way with litter picking and create a playground recycling system
  • Year 6: Rebuild and decorate bench planters

Year 5 shared these challenges in a whole-school assembly and encouraged everyone to get involved. We’re looking forward to seeing the positive impact these projects will have on our school and the environment!

Together, let’s make Parkdale a greener, cleaner and more sustainable place!