Our Year 4s have had the results back for the statutory National Multiplication Tables Check, which every child must complete, the results of which we have to publish.
While there is no pass mark as such, what is usually reported is the percentage of children scoring greater than 20/25 and those scoring 25/25.
Our outcomes were that 87% scored > 20/25. There is no national average given for this, but unofficial sources suggest that it is approximately 60%.
60% of our children scored full marks, for the 3rd consecutive year more than double the national average, which is currently 29%
A huge ‘well done’ to the children and staff. Thanks also to parent/carers many of whom we know have played a big part at home in encouraging practice and learning of the times tables.
There is a guide to the test for parents/carers, which those with children currently in Year 3 might be particularly interested in, ahead of next year: