Many thanks to those parents/carers of children currently in Year 5, who have responded to our recent requests re next year’s residential.
We appreciate that this is an increasingly costly event and wanted to give the option to discontinue or change it. However, of the respondents, there was overwhelming support to continue in the current format, more specifically to book the current venue, the fantastic Mount Cook Adventure Centre.
In an effort to secure the best price, to give families time to budget and to get the best choice of dates, we will be booking this as soon as possible for the 29 children whose families asked us to. These should have received a text confirming this. We will share further details with these and request a deposit once the actual booking is made.
Again, thanks to all who responded to the initial ‘market research’ and then the pre-booking. If you did not respond, but would like your child adding to the residential, please contact either of the current Y5 class teachers as soon as possible.