After considering some feedback around the final cost of the Y4 residential, along with some thought as to whether two nights might best be saved until the children are a year older, in Year 5, we can confirm that the Y4 residential will be a one night experience.
The details and how to book remain largely as before with the following changes:
Date 6th to 7th of May
Estimated cost: £136 with a 50% reduction for children in receipt of Pupil Premium, funded from that pot of money.
The deposit requested is now reduced to £35.
As per the original letter, there will be an information meeting on the first Thursday back after Christmas
Y4 Residential to Walesby 2025
We hope that this will make the residential accessible to more children. Many thanks to those who gave us feedback, which is always valued, and to the Y3/4 staff team for responding so quickly and effectively.