A quick update on applications for Thursday Football (Y5/6, Boys and GIrls)

Thank you to those who got their applications in so quickly We are already over-subscribed!

So that all the children can play at a session with their friends and peers, rather than splitting the excess applicants to a separate session on Tuesdays, we will expand Thursday club. Huge thanks to Mr Pattison, who has offered to help at the club alongside the existing team of Mr Hillier and parent volunteer Matt Johnson.

This will present us with some organisational and space challenges, but we’ll find a way to make it work. Likeliest is that we’ll continue to have the girls’ group with Matt and two more flexible groups for the boys, possibly at times split into ‘current competitive squad’ players and others, but with free and easy movement between these. We think this will be more inclusive than the old Tuesday/Thursday split and that the children will prefer it.

Parents/carers of successful applicants (that’s all of them so far, Thursday morning!) will receive a confirmation text. A limited number of places are still available.

Those expecting and able to train today (Thursday) by virtue of already having a place from last term, can do so. Otherwise, it’s a start next Thursday, the 12th, 3:30-4:30.