Parkdale is bidding to bag a cash boost from Tesco Community Grants. We want all our children to enjoy the sensory and physical well-being of planting and growing. We want to develop
an area with wheelchair-friendly planters and equipment so that all children can learn together to grow vegetables which will be used in the school kitchens.
Tesco customers can vote for us to receive a grant of up to £1,500 but competition is fierce, so WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! Please collect the blue tokens and pop them into the collection box.
PLEASE, PLEASE look out for our name in the store and vote for Parkdale. Voting is open throughout January, February, and March. The collection points for Parkdale are available at ‘Big’ Tesco’s at
Carlton Square and ‘little Tesco’s on Oakdale Road.
The collection points do move around so please tell us if you see our name in other Tesco stores. Remember every token helps