Kindness is one of our treasured values and it is something we always aim to demonstrate and model to the children. Sadly, we have had a few reports recently from neighbours of the school about unkind behaviour from adult drivers.

In one case, a neighbour was prevented for 20 minutes from leaving his own property to get to work as a car was parked across his drive. In another, a neighbour who asked a driver to move from a position that was blocking a drive was sworn at.

As well as being inconsiderate and damaging to the reputation of the school and our community, it is illegal to park across a dropped kerb. The homeowner would be within their rights to contact the local authority with a view to issuing of a fixed penalty notice. We suggest to neighbours that they photograph illegally parked cars and report them and similarly that they report any threatening or abusive behaviour.

As so many times before, we ask that drivers park with due consideration for our neighbours and that we treat everyone with kindness.