After a very successful first term of Dance Affinity afterschool club here at Parkdale, Chelsea is pleased to offer the next term block of dance club sessions.

There will be 8 weeks of dance from  Monday 3rd June from 3.30pm-4.30pm (note the change of finish time).  The club will be in the school hall and will dismiss from the doors at the back of the hall at 4.30pm (not the office door).

It is open to all children from Year 1 to Year 6.  You will need to book and pay for the whole block (£48).

Follow this link to take you to Chelsea’s own booking page (you cannot book this through school).

There is an Early Bird Discount Code saving 10% for those who book before Friday 31st May. Code: YIZ695

Please make sure your child is wearing leggings or shorts for club because there are moves that require freedom of movement in the legs!

I look forward to seeing you there.