Year 4 – Ash & Poplar
Welcome to Year 4’s website page! We are back and full of energy ready for a fun filled and fantastic year. We will be reaching for the stars this academic year! It will involve lots of hard work, but we will have lots of fun along the way.
Why not follow us on Twitter: @year4parkdale
4 Ash – Mrs Stafford
4 Poplar – Mrs Carlisle
TAs – Mrs Roper, Mrs Skeet and Miss Adams
PPA Cover Teachers – Mrs Hinton and Mrs Selby
Class Notices
Theatre Trip - Awful Aunty
Trip to Magna Letter
Y4 Residential Confirmation of Changes
After considering some feedback around the final cost of the Y4 residential, along with some thought as to whether two nights might best be saved until the children are a year older, in Year 5, we can confirm that the Y4 residential will be a one night...
Choir Trip to Transform Winter Arts Festival
Choir enjoyed a fantastic trip this week to perform at the Transform Winter Arts Festival. We performed 'Merry Chirstmas Everyone' on stage at Robert Shaw school and thoroughly enjoyed watching children from other Transform schools perform too. Well done to our...
Y4 Residential Update
After some very helpful feedback, regarding the recent letter about the plans for Y4's residential, largely but not exclusively about the cost, we are currently in negotiation with Walesby Forest Camp to make this a single night, rather than two. We would expect this...
Term By Term 2023-24
Y4 Photo Gallery
Our Class Ambassadors
4 Ash – Ethan and Ida
4 Poplar – George and Ellie
Our Digital Leads
4 Ash – Haaniya
4 Poplar – Wilf
Our Art Ambassadors
4 Ash – Alicia
4 Poplar – Piper
Class Documents & Resources
Classroom Information
Our School Rules
Please take time to discuss these at home, together:
- Respect Yourself
- Respect People
- Respect Our Environment
- Respect Learning
Year 4 Time Table
PE days
PE days:
4 Ash and 4 Poplar -Mondays and Tuesdays
Every Wednesday, children will be set arithmetic homework, we encourage children to show their working out.
There will be weekly spellings (set on SpellingShed) and Arithmetic worksheets. They should be completed during the week and brought back the following Wednesday.
In addition this, children are welcome to complete topic homework from the menu below.
The swimming pool is due to arrive and be in use from the 22nd April – 23rd May.
More details to follow
Active Schools
As part of commitment to being an Active schools, we pledge to have children sitting for no longer than 30minutes without a physical break. In year 4 we particularly enjoy Just Dance, Danny Go, Go Noodle, The Floor is Lava, Brain Break Runs, Act It Out and Draw and Sketch. Ask us what else we get up to!
Information for Parents
Residential 2025
Multiplication Times Table Check - Year 4
Swimming Letter January 2024
Nottingham Trip November 2024
Useful Links
This is the app we use in school to share work and upload our learning.
Practise your times tables. This will help with speed and accuracy.
Spelling Shed
Practise your spellings. Weekly tests.
Your children will be completing maths daily – why not revise what they have completed in the classroom?