Welcome to bulletin #13

The usual busy week in school, with the run-up to Christmas gathering pace! Next week looks very much like ‘peak Christmas’ with nativities, panto, Christmas dinner, the Jingle Jog, Christmas Jumper Day all there.  As ever, the diary is at the bottom end of this bulletin.

We’ve had surprisingly few responses to both consultations we have out at the moment – the school term one for everyone and  the Y6 residential one for current Y5 only . We’d encourage those who haven’t replied to do so; both should take only a minute or two and even neutral views count for something!

A reminder that Friday is our Jingle Jog and that contributions to Warchild, via our JustGiving page, are warmly welcomed. Thanks to all for the very, very generous donations so far. We’ve already exceeded our original target. There used to be a button on Just Giving to send personal  thanks, but that feature seems to have disappeared – rest assured we’re extremely thankful, especially so soon after Children In Need!

A couple of bits from Year Six…

A reminder that Year 6 are doing their DAaRT graduation on Friday 13th December, in the afternoon (starts at 2:15pm). Parents/careers are welcome to come along. A letter has gone out to parents.

So far, we only have 10 children signed up to the residential.  The £30 deposit is due by 11th December as we need to confirm our booking by the 13th. The deposit letter is on our website.


…and from the Office and Pastoral Teams

We are seeing a huge increase in the number of children arriving late for school, often the same children repeatedly. This is disruptive to the running of the Office as we are into our wellbeing and absence follow-ups first thing. Late arrivals disrupt learning in class, particularly in Early Years and Key Stage One where an adults has to leave the classroom to fetch the late arrivals. School starts at 8:45 and teaching and learning starts immediately. Teachers are usually teaching the first lesson within a couple of minutes –  late arrivals miss valuable learning and tend to come into the classroom anxious as they recognise the impact on their classmates.

If arriving late, please be prepared to be asked why. Our team have a statutory duty to record a reason and to challenge lateness. It is a requirement that they do so and it is something we have to report on to the Department for Education via our registers.

The first bell is at 8:25 for those who wish to enjoy the earlier start and additional activities and learning that goes on then. The 2nd bell is 8:40 – all children should be on the playground ready for one or the other, to make registration at 8:45 sharp. Thank  you.

Pudsey says Thank You!


School Year Consultation Reminder

Residential Consultation Reminder for Y5

Christmas Fun Day

Additional NHS Dental Care Capacity

A Less Wasteful Christmas

We’re Migrating!

Pantomime Arrangements 2024

Year 3 and 4 Inter-house Tournament

Christmas Lights Switch On

Football Opportunity for Year 1


Next week...

Wednesday 4th December: KS1 Nativity, Reception Nativity, KS2 Panto Trip

Thursday 5th:  KS1 Nativity, Reception Nativity

Friday 6th: Christmas Dinner, Jungle Jog, Christmas Jumper Day

Further ahead…

Tuesday 10th: Reception and KS1 Conkers Christmas Trip

Thursday 12th: Y2 trip to Newstead Abbey

Thursday 19th: KS2 Christmas Concert

Friday 20th: Last day of term, Christmas Fun Day and ‘back-up’ day for KS2 concert in the event of bad weather on Thursday, possibly with an early start!