Autumn Term

This term we will be thinking about “The World and My Place in it”. We will explore our identity and what it means to be 4/5 in 2023, asking ourselves  “what makes me special, and what is special to me?”

As we discuss our favourite things and the things that make us special we will discover how we are similar and how we are different. We will be thinking about the things that unite our community, and celebrate the differences between us. We will ask our parents to tell us about their childhoods and compare how their lives were to ours. Our teachers love to listen to music from the past with us, and to read children’s stories that our family members remember enjoying when they were 4. We especially love finding out about traditional foods in our cultures and trying some seasonal autumnal foods. We will be learning about the Goose Fair. Using art and ICT we will observe and investigate seasonal changes. 

After half term we will be learning some Autumn poems and investigating “Where and Who do We Get Our Values From?”. We will look at the different communities of the United Kingdom and celebrate the British Values that help the countries work together with respect. We will have a wonderful time exploring the culture, history, food and celebrations from each country. We will also learn about countries that are important to some of us, like Pakistan and Hong Kong. 

Our Key Books This Half Term


Autumn Reception Curriculum 2023
Autumn Reception Topic Web