Nursery – Blossoms
Welcome to Nursery!
We are the youngest members of Parkdale and you can find us learning through play in our cosy, Blossoms classroom. Throughout the year, we will explore lots of different topics, as we become curious, creative and independent learners! In Nursery we are committed to active learning and so much of the learning we do is done through play and independent exploration.
We will continue to update this page regularly so keep coming back to see what we have been up to, follow us on our learning journey, and for important information. We will also be keeping you up to date using Tapestry, an online learning journal.
Miss Parkin – Class Teacher
Miss Desborough – Early Years Lead
Ms John – TA
Mrs Hallam – TA
Mrs Niaz – TA
Miss Kareer- TA
Blossoms Class Notices
FOP Giant Christmas Raffle
How would you like to be opening one of these amazing hampers on the last day of term? Friends of Parkdale have arranged our Annual Christmas Hamper Raffle again this year. Each of the 9 hampers are huge and full of a variety of gifts: chocolate, sweets, smellies,...
Pudsey says Thank You!
Thank you certificate with totals Thank you to everyone who came to school in non-uniform for BBC Children in Need day on 15th November. Thank you to the Wellbeing Warriors who baked biscuits and all those that bought biscuits at the end of the day. We raised £625.74...
Our Calendar
Term By Term 2023-34
Autumn Term
Autumn Term Curriculum Letter 24-25
Autumn Term Topic Web
Spring Term
Spring Term Curriculum Letter
Spring Term Topic Web
Summer Term
Summer Term Curriculum Letter 2024
Summer Term Topic Web
Nursery Photo Gallery
Blossoms Nursery Classroom
Our Nursery unit was a brand new development for Parkdale in 2021. Our classroom was previously used as a year one classroom for many years! In June 2021 year one moved classrooms so that the Nursery could be developed. We have created a calm and cosy environment, in which the class explore independently, igniting their natural curiosity and imagination. Take a look!