Environment & Sustainability


Welcome to the Environment & Sustainability subject page. Maintained by the Sustainable Development team Mrs Carlisle, Mr Hillier and Mrs Shelby and lead by Mrs Stafford.


Our intent at Parkdale, is for children to learn about how as humans, our past and current actions has a lasting impact upon the world around us. We want children to recognise the impact they can have to saving the environment, habitats, living things and more, in the future. Each year group will learn about their responsibility to care and make reasonable changes to their life-style to become sustainable. Children will be encouraged to know their voice has an impact and take action within the community to share their knowledge and passion of sustainable living. 


The ‘driver’ values for this Theme are:

To understand the need to maintain and improve the quality of life now without damaging the planet for future generations

Understand the importance of personal choices

Be aware that individuals and groups can contribute to positive change

The skills and knowledge in this Theme are chiefly Geography-based and they are mapped in the documents available to the right.


Theme Overview - Revised Summer 2022
Theme overview

Values, Skills and Knowledge

Sustainable Development Overview

The Theme In More Detail

Values, Skills and Knowledge Progression

Sustainable Pyramids

New Unit For Spring 2022 on Climate Change

Sustainable Development Blog

Sustainable Development Gallery

Sustainable Development Documents and Resources

Curriculum Documents

Projects and Home Links

Home Learning Website Links

Wider Links

EU Development Goals

Celebration Video