Welcome to Bulletin #6

We’re a day early with the weekly bulletin as tomorrow (Friday 4th) is an INSET Day! Staff will be in doing some training, but school is closed to children. More accurately, staff will be out and about at other Transform schools doing workshops for the morning and then back to Parkdale for the afternoon to follow that up and do some additional work to develop their PE teaching.

Wishing everyone a happy Friday and a lovely weekend when it arrives…


Chair of Governors: Our Chair, Mr Dennis Jones, has been a Governor at Parkdale and a good friend to the school for many years. He has been a great support to the school throughout that time and has also expanded his remit to work on Governance across the Transform Trust. Dennis has decided to focus his energies elsewhere and his place will be taken by Mr Dean Wilson, who brings a great deal of experience and expertise to our governing body. We would like to thank Dennis for his fantastic service and also to welcome Dean to Parkdale.

Another welcome to the Governors: We are delighted to also welcome Kelly Lee, Transform Trust Partnership Director and part of the Executive Team, to our local governing body. Kelly brings extensive experience as a very successful head, leading quality assurance across the Trust and as a trained Ofsted inspector.

Harvest Celebration – Monday 14th October 2024

Coffee Mornings

Change of Date


The Grasshopper and the Ants

County Cup Football Win

Year 6 Forest School


European Language Day 2024

Diary Dates

Coming up…

Friday 4th: INSET Day

Tuesday 8th, 3:45: Parkdale v Sacred Heart football, home matches x2

Friday 11th, 3:30: Friends of Parkdale Y5/6 Disco

Monday 14th: Harvest Festival – Donations much appreciated

Wednesday and Thursday 23rd and 24th: Parent/Carer-Teacher Meetings

Friday 25th: Last day of the half term. We have a week’s holiday!